How To Clean Up After A Construction And Major Renovation: All You Need To Know

You’ve just built your new home or renovated your current one. Now, you’re faced with the aftermath—a messy site that needs a thorough cleanup. Whether you’re doing it yourself or hiring professionals, you need a post-construction cleaning checklist. We will dive into everything a homeowner or DIY-er needs to do both pre-, during, and post-construction […]

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October 4, 2023

How To Demolish Your House: The Homeowners’ Complete Guide

Home demolition is not the backbreaking task you think it is, but it is not a breeze either. From assessing your property and obtaining permits to selecting the right demolition contractor, there are essential steps to follow to get the job done right. Here, we will carefully cover everything a homeowner needs to consider and […]

July 21, 2023

The Best Ways to Dispose of Construction Waste: A Comprehensive Guide

Construction waste is a big problem for everyone involved. On site, it incurs extra expenses with disposals and can also lead to costly delays in the construction. On a grander scale, it’s a major budget cost for local governments and is fast dwindling landfills. Major cities are running out of landfills (New York ran out […]

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